Saturday, November 17, 2007

Habs Win a Big one Against Boston

In a fight filled, high scoring game, the Canadiens beat the Bruins 7-4. There was some pretty tense moments in the game like when Assistant Coach Kirk Muller wanted to fight ex-coach Julien but the team stuck together and stood up for each other and destroyed them scoring 7 goals.

The scoring was pretty balanced and it was nice to see Ryder get two assists coming off a goal in a terrible game for the team against Buffalo. Montreal will be much stronger if they can get Ryder going.

This was an important game for the Canadiens because they needed to shake the attitude and effort that went into the game on Friday night against the Sabres where they came out flat and never really got going. This Habs team continues to surprise people as people are waiting for this team to fold like they have in past seasons. The one thing that they have going for them that they don't have last year is that they have two very good goalies and they are both healthy so far.

We shall see but I looking for a top 6 finish in the east.

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